Digital Marketing
February 9, 2022

Checklist: the perfect "About Us" page

Oleksandr Vlasenko
CEO and Co-founder
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Quick or right? We'll tell you how to write an "About Us" page that solves your business tasks. The recipe in one sentence: the key is to know why you need an "About Us" page and who its reader is. If you don't answer these questions, you'll end up writing only about your premium status, rich experience, and wide range of services. Everyone does that, but you can do better. Learn how.

Who to write for

The readers of the company description are its target audience. Customers open the "About Us" page to find out if it's worth doing business with you, while future employees are thinking about what it's like to work for you. If you forget about the reader, you spoil the text.

Write for the right people, and the text will do its job.

Customers. Tell them who you are, what you do, how you can help, and who you've already helped. A travel agency can say that they organize vacations only in Egypt and Turkey and can arrange a tour in two days without any problems. If you supply products to restaurants, write about which ones. The customer will understand if you can help them.

Management. Sometimes the main reader of the text is your boss. You'll have to write not for customers but for management. Perhaps the text is needed for a presentation or annual report.

Future employees. Before a job interview, candidates research the employer thoroughly: they read the company's website, ask friends, and look for reviews on forums. Even on the company's website, write about what will help employees choose you. Show that you regularly release new products and create departments - a potential employee will understand that the company is stable and there is room to grow.

Investors. They often make separate presentations for them, but it doesn't hurt to show in the text about the company how you are growing, what directions you are opening, and what market share you have captured.

If you have identified who the text about the company will be for, that's half the battle. With this clarity, you know what should be in the text and what its goals are. Such a text will simplify the lives of the sales department, technical support, and even HR.

Why do you need a text about the company? 

Before writing a text about the company, it's worth understanding why it's needed. Don't write just because everyone else is doing it. The text about the company should solve business goals. Start with this.

Why do you need a text about the company? Answering this question will become the goal of the text. If you're writing for your own business, think about it yourself. If your boss asks you to write the text, find out his or her goals. Do you want to show your expertise, tell that you've been working for a long time, and that you're trusted with projects that others are willing to do anything for? The goal of the text will be to show who you are, what you do, and why you can be trusted.

The tasks of the text are a consequence of its goals. Convert them into points in the plan of your text, and you will find out what to write in the section about the company. Show what you do and what problems your clients solve.

Text goal

Text tasks

To explain to customers why they can trust your company.

- Showcase your strengths and provide real-life examples. List the companies you have already worked with.

Demonstrate that you are better than your competitors.

- Explain why your delivery is fast and your prices are low. Show your employees. If you sell computer systems, prove that buying a computer from you is cheaper than building it yourself because you buy components in bulk and your employees have higher technical qualifications.

Prove that you can build a career with your company.

- Talk about a director who was a regular employee ten years ago. Instead of talking about company values, explain that it is not customary to stay at work late, and that employees attend courses and seminars at your expense.


If you don't approach the company text systematically, you will end up with a template that will be equally suitable for a factory and a flower shop. If you build houses from bricks or service Toyota and Lexus cars, it's better to tell about it right away.

You will write a good company text only if you know why you are doing it. Such a text will help attract the right customers and employees, and also filter out those who are not suitable for you.

Whom to trust with the task

A good text about a company requires facts and figures. Only with them, the text will solve its tasks and distinguish you from competitors. To write such a text, it should be done by someone from the inside.

If you entrust this task to a copywriter from a freelance platform, you will get a template work with "market leaders" and "experienced professionals" cliches. Such a performer knows nothing about the company, products, or customers. If you're lucky, the text will include facts from your Wikipedia page.

In an ideal world, the owner or CEO writes the text himself. But in reality, he needs an author who will ask the right questions - primarily about the audience, goals, and tasks of the text. The owner knows everything about the business, and the author helps to highlight the main points and tell about them correctly.

Remember: an adequate text about a company requires the right person, or according to the words of the right person. Such a text cannot be mindlessly copied by competitors because it only serves your goals.

How to write about a company correctly

A good text about a company is written for the reader, contains enough facts, and is understandable without a dictionary.

When a company boasts but does not back up its words with examples, it is not trusted. General phrases do not compensate for a lack of facts.

Here are some rules on how to write the text:

  1. Write for the reader. Do not write only for yourself, the text should answer the reader's questions and be useful to them. An auto salon can write about the best quality cars or make it clear: "Official Nissan dealer. We import new models first in Ukraine."
  2. More facts. A text about a company for a website is better with facts than with fancy, but empty words. Instead of a team of professionals for a private clinic, it is better to write about professors and candidates of medical sciences. For a plant, replace concrete structures with fences, slabs, and rings. Highlight your strengths and do not hide them behind general phrases.
  3. Simple language. To make the text understandable, keep it simple. The basic rule is shorter sentences, fewer commas. If you are not sure that readers know the terms, write simpler. Especially if you are developing cloud SaaS solutions.

Remember the target audience, write simply, do not praise yourself, and add facts. In this case, the text about the company will benefit the business.

Checklist: How to Write About Your Company

Writing a text is not difficult. The challenge is to understand your audience, gather facts, set goals and tasks for the text, and then deliver on those goals. Here is a brief outline, but remember to put effort into each step:

  1. Understand your audience.
  2. Set a goal for the text.
  3. Break the goal into tasks.
  4. Make a plan and gather facts.
  5. Write the text or hire a writer.
  6. Check if the text meets your goals.
  7. If necessary, rewrite and repeat step 6.
  8. Publish the text.

The work on writing about your company does not end here. You already know what to do if you need a text to describe a job vacancy, a page on Google Maps, or a catalog of an exhibition. But keep in mind that even the perfect text about your company will not double your sales. Service and a quality product are still more important than the text on your website. The text about your company is there to support your business.

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